There are presently two organised club rides every week as follows:

Wednesday evenings

18:30 to 20:30*
(summer only)
(often with a visit to the pub
on the way back to Dunmow!)

Sunday mornings

08:30 to 11:30
(09:00 to 12:00 during winter months)*
(usually with a coffee stop
towards the end of the ride)

*Finish times are approximate and can vary depending upon the group(s), the weather, the route etc etc. The ride leaders will discuss and agree this with the group at the outset of each ride.

All Dunmow Velo club rides start and finish from the car park of the Great Dunmow Leisure Centre in Great Dunmow (unless otherwise stated) and are run with three ability groups:
dunmow velo group 3 icon

Group 1

(circa 14mph average)

This group is the individual cyclist who will have a basic/intermediate level of fitness able to ride comfortably for two hours covering between 28-30 miles. You may not have ridden within a group before or with several riders, but you will be given instruction on how to ride in a group. The pace of this group will be determined by the slowest rider within the group. Well stay together, no one will be left behind.
dunmow velo group 2 icon

Group 2

(circa 17mph average)

This is the intermediate/experienced Rider who will be comfortable covering between 33-36 miles for two hours. You may not have ridden within a Group before or have less experience that those within group 3, but we will help you learn these skills and help develop your own riding abilities. (suitable to an experienced sportive or/solo Rider looking to ride within a Group).
dunmow velo group 1 icon

Group 3

(circa 19mph average)

This group is for the experienced Rider who will be comfortable completing 36-38 miles within the two hour ride, again depending on the conditions and the route chosen. This a rider with an above average level of fitness and experience of riding within a group. You will be expected to take a turn on the front, to work within the Group and must act accordingly

Upcoming Rides

26th January @ 9:30am

Group 1 Sunday Ride

Ride type:
Member led ride
Starting point:
Dunmow Leisure Centre
Ride speed:
14 mph
Ride distance:
28 miles
3 Who's riding? Andrew Calcutt, Angela Thorpe, Louise Hayward
Ride Notes:
Join now!
Slow Slow

26th January @ 9:30am

Group 2 Sunday Ride

Ride type:
Member led ride
Starting point:
Dunmow Leisure Centre
Ride speed:
16 mph
Ride distance:
32 miles
6 Who's riding? Ian Potter, Adrian Bailey, Kevin Weston, Allan Stevenson, Alan White, Julieann Whitehead
Ride Notes:
Join now!
Steady Steady

26th January @ 9:30am

Group 2.5 Sunday Ride

Ride type:
Member led ride
Starting point:
Dunmow Leisure Centre
Ride speed:
18 mph
Ride distance:
36 miles
0 Who's riding? Join now!
Ride Notes:
Join now!
Fast Fast

26th January @ 9:30am

Group 3 Sunday Ride

Ride type:
Member led ride
Starting point:
Dunmow Leisure Centre
Ride speed:
20 mph
Ride distance:
40 miles
0 Who's riding? Join now!
Ride Notes:
Join now!
Fast Fast

2nd February @ 9:30am

Group 1 Sunday Ride

Ride type:
Member led ride
Starting point:
Dunmow Leisure Centre
Ride speed:
14 mph
Ride distance:
28 miles
0 Who's riding? Join now!
Ride Notes:
Join now!
Slow Slow

2nd February @ 9:30am

Group 2 Sunday Ride

Ride type:
Member led ride
Starting point:
Dunmow Leisure Centre
Ride speed:
16 mph
Ride distance:
32 miles
0 Who's riding? Join now!
Ride Notes:
Join now!
Steady Steady

2nd February @ 9:30am

Group 2.5 Sunday Ride

Ride type:
Member led ride
Starting point:
Dunmow Leisure Centre
Ride speed:
18 mph
Ride distance:
36 miles
0 Who's riding? Join now!
Ride Notes:
Join now!
Fast Fast

2nd February @ 9:30am

Group 3 Sunday Ride

Ride type:
Member led ride
Starting point:
Dunmow Leisure Centre
Ride speed:
20 mph
Ride distance:
40 miles
0 Who's riding? Join now!
Ride Notes:
Join now!
Fast Fast
Please remember that it is important to join a ride so that other members are aware that you are coming, this will ensure that the group waits for you, if you can no longer make the ride please also ensure you click “leave ride”.

Already a member?

Please fill out the form below to login.

Become a member

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Already a member?

Please fill out the form below to login.

get in touch icon

Get in touch

By becoming a member you will be able to sign up for club rides and become involved with a passionate group of like minded individuals looking after your safety on your rides, and having fun on the journey.

If you would like to become a member of Dunmow Velo, please full out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can.